Thursday, July 21, 2011

Oil Rinsing?

Last night while I was on the black hair forum, I read a post about "Oil Rinsing"!  I have never heard of this before! 

So of course I did some research.....

What is Oil Rinsing?

Oil rinsing is for relaxed and natural hair.  Oil rinsing is when you take your favorite oil and rinse your hair after you have co-washed or shampooed

What are the benefits of Oil Rinsing?

Oil rinsing helps hair breakage.  It also adds shine and moisture to the hair.  Oil rinses are great treatments for natural hair and can help soften follicles and promote hair growth.

What oils do you use to oil rinse?

Jojoba Oil, Coconut Oil, Aloe Vera Oil, Acocado Oil, Argon Oil, or an oil of your choice


·         Shampoo or Co-Wash your hair
·         Apply oil to your hair and scalp
·         Massage oil from the roots to the ends of your hair
·         Cover your hair with a shower cap. Let the oil stay in your hair for 45 min
·         After you rinse your hair, apply conditioner. Rinse out with cool water

Have you oil rinsed? 

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